“Presentation – Information – Networking event to support Czech export of innovations and international business cooperation”
Association CzechInno organises “Festival of Export” in Prague at Congress Centre Prague,5. května 65, Praha 4 between the days 18th and 19th June 2014. For 2014, the association CzechInno plans to support mainly export of innovative products and services.
YeYe Business Consulting will take a part in the workshop that Embassy of the Turkish Republic in Prague and Czech-Turkish Joint Chamber of Commerce are jointly organizing. The workshop will be held on the second day( 19.06.2014) in “Workshop Room Europe and Asia (Club B)” at 11.15 .
The “Festival of Export” focuses on companies’ meeting with representatives of government and institutions to promote entrepreneurship and export in order to promote export activities of Czech companies and their international business cooperation, to supply them with current information and contacts necessary for a successful export and at the same time to introduce them business and cultural practices of attractive export destinations.
Program of II. Export CZ Festival will be divided into 5 blocks : Export News for All, Territorial Information by both embassies and chamber of commerces, Export Fitted Info and Business Contacts Sharing, Export Wizards – Company Presentations and Sectorial Informations, Arts and Flavours of the Four Continents. Participation in the event is free of charge on the basis of online registration and accreditation for Export Festival CZ 2014 is necessary.
You can find the programme details on here.