The Czech-Turkish Joint Chamber of Commerce is a non-profitable organization, established with the permission of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic with the purpose of development of commercial relations with the Republic of Turkey in 2006. The Chamber associates Czech and Turkish natural and legal persons, who are interested in the entry to and participation in the market, where takes place commercial exchange between the Czech and Turkish commercial bodies.
The assumptions of the successful entry to this market are above all the following:
- Familiarity with the legal and economic environment in Turkey,
- Information about the supply and demand for the goods and services,
- Knowledge of languages,
- Acquisition of potential partners, who are interested in participation on this commercial exchange.
The main function of the Czech-Turkish Joint Chamber of Commerce therefore is to help its members by achieving the above-mentioned assumptions. The Chamber abides by the providing of these services by the following principles: openness, quality and individual attitude.