Can you introduce yourself?
I am İclal, 22 years old Turkish girl, studying International Logistics Management at Yasar University in İzmir as a senior student. Since the beginning of my education, I am an ESN volunteer which is the biggest student association in Europe. As Erasmus Student Network, we offer help to exchange students in their academic, social and practical integration process under the discipline of “Student Helping Student”. It was the greatest experience of my life. Other than volunteering, one of my interests is entrepreneurship. I am currently carrying on my start-up project which is named Glocalzone with my partner. Basically what we are doing is solving the access problem of the locals to some products which do not exist in the market by bringing them via travelers.
Why did you choose Prague? What was your motivation?
I believe that most of you know about “Once Erasmus Always Erasmus” quote. Last year, I was an Erasmus student in Poland and it was a life-changing experience for me. It has widened my perspective through the life. When the time has come to make my internship, I was sure of becoming an Erasmus intern. One of my reasons to choose Prague is that I have heard lots of good comments on it. Besides its historical background, Prague is a modern city with the lifestyle. This harmony got my attention and I wanted to experience myself by being part of it. The other reason is that, Prague can be entitled as one of the most important start-up center. Since I have been maintaining and trying to develop my project, I believe Prague is the right place to be.
Why did you choose YeYe Agency and what’s your expectation?
One of the former Yeye Agency trainees Doruk was very pleased with the working environment and experienced a lot in business areas since they had actually given important tasks and followed the “learning by doing” method. As an agency, Yeye operates in many stages of what companies may need during their extension and being able to observe and take part of these processes which are all for different companies and sectors is an amazing opportunity to actually get into how businesses run in detail. Besides, Yeye Agency works in cooperation with Czech-Turkish Chamber of Commerce, meaning that you will have the perspective and information about the way how the procedures work for both countries. About my expectation, I am willing to get knowledge in various stages of the business and when my internship is over, I would like to say that I am not the one who I was at the beginning in the meaning of experience. Finally, all the things besides, I would like to mention my first impressions about YeYe, precious people are part of it. From the very first moment, they are all kind and welcoming to me. It really made me feel comfortable and adapt smoothly to my new environment. I may say that day by day, I am more feeling like the part of a family.
What’s your future plans and dreams?
If I would consider the question in terms of professional life, I have always placed myself working in a multicultural company in my dreams. This may be the first step to make my dreams happened. With my observations and gains from Yeye Agency, in the future, I would like establish my own multicultural working environment through Glocalzone. I hope that me and my partner’s hard work pays back and we can taste the achievement. I have never dreamed to become rich but a successful person who contributed to the world by making a positive impact.