What was your expectation before traineeship in Yeye?
I expected to apply my university knowledge in practice and develop my skills. I wanted to try as many areas of business as possible.
What was your greatest experience (enjoyment) during your traineeship?
I have many experiences, but the one I appreciate the most was to participate at the meeting with one of our potential partner at ČTSOK and then preparing a real offer for them.
What did you learn both in career and personal way?
I really appreciate to work in an international environment and to have a chance to influence some important decisions or at least to do some tasks on my own. I also learned that there is no reason to be afraid of bigger responsibility and that it is much better to just approach tasks rather than having doubts about if you can do it or not.
Did the traineeship change your perspective of your future? / What is your career vision?
Not really actually, my expectations which I had had before I came to the company have been almost completely fulfilled. I appreciate to work independently and to have my own tasks to do. I tried to work in a very small group of people where I always had a chance to present my own ideas. That was a great experience which has taught me to be more self-confident about presenting my opinions to the others but also to be very much open to the ideas and reasonable reservations of my colleagues. Nevertheless, I have always wanted to work for a big international company where I will have more negotiating power beyond me and more chances to work in a team.