Autumn is here, and the wind brought YeYe Agency new teammates: Alberto and Maja.

Alberto from Italy joined the team as a web development trainee and Maja from Croatia as a digital marketing trainee. We are happy that our team is getting bigger. Building a strong team is important for us and that’s why we organized a team building event at Board game cafe “Bohemia Boards & Brews”.
In this place, you can play board games such as Taboo, Joking Hazard, Trivial Pursuit, Cards Against Humanity and to over 500 games, have some snacks like popcorns and drink a beer. That’s the reason why our business development trainee Doruk choose this place for our team building. He was thinking of the team building event which we can learn how to work in a team in a funny way. At the end of the the evening, it turns out that we made a good choice.
First game which we were playing was “Taboo”. We were divided into two teams and were trying to explain to our team players as many words as we can without using words written on the cards and the parts of explained word in the limited time. It was stressful but at the same time it was funny. Also, we felt team spirit and desire to win. It was really useful for our future business tasks. Finally, winner was team made of members: Yalin, Melis, Monika, Alberto and Maja. But, other team wasn’t sad because of the loss. So, we took a break of the game and started to eat delicious pies. Also, in break time, we were eating, drinking the beers, talking and making a jokes

Then, Šarka, our HR coordinator came with another game in hands. It was “Joking Hazard”. It was very funny game, and we were laughing a lot. The game was about making comics or stories with cards. Šarka started the game and chose one card and put it on the desk for the beginning of the comic/story. Then, the rest of team put the cards (everyone chose one) which were in their opinion the most appropriated for the sequel of the comic/story. Finally, Šarka chose in her opinion the most appropriated card. The game was continued in the same way but with another first players. In addition, we made really crazy stories.

Unfortunately, nobody remember the name of the first game. Also, we were divided in two teams (red and blue) and Alberto was “coordinator”.
Alberto, had one panel with red and blue fields and also grey and black ones. The point was he needed to explain us with one word and numbers of pictures which pictures are in match recording to the panel. It was really interesting and it was necessary to twist the brain buds which is for sure really good brain exercise.
After the third game it was time to go because game cafe needed to be closed soon. We believe that it was a successful team building event. Now, we know better each other, especially our new team members. Also, Maja and Alberto told that they enjoyed their first team building event and looking forward to next one.
If you want to be a part of our Yeye Agency team and enjoy our friendly work environment, send us your CV!