Turkey textile industry
Turkey’s textile industry has been steadily growing with the industry emerging as one of the leading sectors with a high share of the country’s economy and GDP.
Turkey has several advantages in textile production based on the points below:

Textiles and Clothing at the bazaar. The Turkish market.
- The county is a rich source of the raw materials that are used for the production.
- Turkey is taking place near the top for global cotton production.
- In terms of logistics, the country has a strategic location as it is the gateway to European markets.
- With its liberal trade policies equipped with the highly skilled labour force, the country is able to have a well-developed industry that can produce quality products.
- Turkey continues to invest in utilizing advanced technologies to grow their industry.
Czech textile industry
Czech textile industry had established itself at the core of manufacturing in the Habsburg Austrian Empire. In the Czech Lands, textile production has always been traditionally more important than clothing production. Despite the ups and downs in the textile sector over the years, it plays an important role in Czech Republic. With the decline in supply during the period of communism, they improved the textile industry by stitching in their homes. Unfortunately, China's cheap and competitive products have been a barrier to the Czech Republic.
The cause of the revival of the Czech textile industry in the recent past; these products are used in the automotive sector and in nano textiles.
Import-Export Relations
A large part of Turkey's exports to the Czech Republic are textile products.
According to that, we can give an example of our best case purchasing project; The Czech clothing company has contacted with us to purchase large size textile products from Turkey. The reason for choosing Turkey instead of China is to buy quality, modern and original products. As a result of this, the purchase was completed with the satisfaction of both sides successfully.
Nowadays, Czech companies import some goods such as underwears-outerwear,towel,pajamas,curtain etc. in general.
As an example,
Czech Republic’s textile companies; Bushman, Alpine Pro, Bushman, Envy, Hannah, Husky, Loap, Meatfly, and Rock Empire
Turkey’s largest textile companies and some ready-made clothing companies; Aksa Akrilik, Sanko Tekstil, Sasa Polyester, Gülsan Sentetik Dokuma, Korteks Mensucat, Beyteks Tekstil, Kordsa Endüstriyel İplik, Polimer Kauçuk Sanayii, Merinos Halı, Zorluteks Tekstil, Beymen Giyim San.ve Tic.A.Ş, C&A Moda İhracat Hizmetleri Ltd.Şti., Altınyıldız Mensucat ve Konf. Fab. A.Ş., Adilışık Hazır Giyim San.Tic.Ltd.Şti-.