The aerospace industry is a high-tech industry which produces aircraft, guided missiles, space vehicles, aircraft engines, and related parts. The Czech Republic has a long history of aerospace development that dates back to the early 20th century. Today, the country accounts for its local high quality and innovative aerospace sector through its R&D programs and investments over the years.
The Czech Aerospace Industry
General information about the Czech Aerospace Industry:
- Long industrial history
- The tradition of aircraft engines & aircrafts production
- Strong domestic and foreign companies
- Well-developed supplier base
- World-class aerospace R&D centres
- One of the largest UL/LSA producers in the World
- Superb productivity for competitive costs C
Besides being home to the advanced and innovative aerospace industry, Czechia has an emerging economy that attracts a number of foreign investors to the industry. Many foreign aerospace companies such as Honeywell, GE Aviation and Safran have expanded their businesses to the Czech Republic over the last few years. Today, the Czech aerospace industry consists of cooperation of both public and private research facilities such as universities to create projects that would advance the sector further.
Some facts about the Aerospace industry in Czechia (According to the CzechInvest):
- Till now, more than 32,000 aircraft and 37,000 engines have been manufactured
- L-410 commuter turboprop aircraft made by Aircraft Industries is the most successful aircraft in its category worldwide
- the GE H80 turboprop engine is the first engine in the history of GE Aviation to be designed and manufactured outside the US
- the European Global Navigation Satellite System Agency, the operator of the Galileo system, is the first EU regulatory body located in the Czech Republic
- The Czech Republic operates the state-of-the-art testing laboratory of the turboprop engines that ranks among the best in the world
Foreign Investors and Key Players in the Czech Republic
The main reasons why the Czech Republic is a lucrative investment centre for foreign aerospace business owners are skilled workforce, R&D programs, developed supplier base, investment incentives imposed by the government, safe investment environment, and over 120 companies and 20,000 professionals in the field.
Space Industry in the Czech Republic
Developing its Space Industry is an important strategy for the Czech Republic to maintain a competitive and sustainable presence in Europe. The National Space Plan 2020–2025 is the major attempt from the government to ensure competency and scientific excellence in the space industry and increase the profits from public investments. Czechia has invested around 60 million euros in the industry to enhance its involvement in the European Space Agency (ESA) program so far. The Czech Republic has been an active member of the ESA since 2008.
Space activities of the Czech Republic (According to the Czech Invest)
- Over 350 concluded agreements with ESA
- 50 companies working with ESA
- 23 startups incubated in ESA BIC
- 23 universities and R&D institutions
- 23 satellites and probes with Czech participation
- 3 launch vehicles with Czech participation
- 2 Czech satellites in the last 10 years
- 1 ESA BIC (Prague and Brno)
- 1 ESA Technology Transfer Broker
- 1 Space Education Resource Office (ESERO)
- 1 Czech Space Alliance + 59 million euros per year
The Czech Republic will continue to make impactful progress in the Aerospace industry and become one of the world’s biggest exporters.