Have you ever considered investing in the Czech Republic?
The Czech Republic is one of the fastest developing economies in the European Union. The country has attracted a great amount of foreign direct investment over the last 10 years because of its secure and powerful economic performance. In fact, there were 8.3 billion euros FDI inflow to the country in 2018 and more than 173,000 companies in the Czech Republic were run with the foreign capital. Its strategic geographic location, developed infrastructure, and skilled workforce have made the Czech Republic an appealing prospect for foreign investors in Central and Eastern Europe. As the Czech Republic is a member of the EU, it is a great opportunity to get access to the single European market.
Moreover, the Czech government offers plenty of incentives for foreign investors:
- Grant for educating your employees
- Grant for creating employment opportunities
- Grant for owning a property
- Corporate Income Tax reduction for 10 years
- 5-year property tax exemption