Can you introduce yourself ?
My name is Alberto, a 35 years old Italian guy who likes to travel, meet new culture and enjoy new places. After being in a few countries around the world, I had the chance to visit a friend in the USA, the plan was to stay for a while and the only opportunity for stay was to study there. I decided to study Web Design and I had the possibility to continue my studies also when I was back in Italy, by taking classes online while working full time to pay school fees. It was very hard to manage both, work and study. In 2016 I majored in Web Design & Development at Stark State College with high distinction, which makes me very proud of myself. My goal is to keep the motivation which I had in school, into becoming a very good Web Designer, in all the aspects of developing any type of website.
Why did you choose Prague ? What was your motivation?
I wasn’t so much interested in the place, I was focusing into finding an internship anywhere in Europe to have the working experience in English and so improving it. But, if I needed to choose one destination, Prague was one of my top three. I’m very happy to be in Prague and to be in Yeye Agency!
Why did you choose YeYe Agency and what’s your expectation?
I applied to a few positions on the Erasmus Website and I was the most appropriate profile for what Yeye Agency was looking for. On my part, I was attracted by the location, the challenge and the opportunity Yeye Agency was offering me. My expectations are learning how to work in an agency and collaborate with colleagues. I also want to improve my profile as a web designer and learn as much as I can, being able to solve the problem or tasks that maybe now I don't know yet how to solve.
What’s your future plans and dreams?
My future plans are simple. I want to become a Web Designer, find a job and start to have a normal life again!